Clubs & Activities
Contact the Main Office for information to join a club or register for an activity.
An explanation of clubs offered at Greenfield Elementary School
Student Council Facilitators: Ms. Adkinson & Ms. Thigpin
Student Council is a student led, teacher facilitated club at Greenfield Elementary School. Our mission is to provide leadership opportunities for our youth, and allow them to lead our school community. Our club consists of 4th-6th grade students. We have organized field days, school assemblies, and other service activities on campus.
Gators Give Back Facilitators: Ms. Rollins & Ms. Eidukonis
Gators Give Back is a student led, teacher facilitated, community service group at Greenfield Elementary School. Our mission is to provide service opportunities for our youth, and allow them to lead through service to others in our community.
GGB has run for nearly a decade now, and was originally a service club that raised money and did the Relay for Life Cancer Walk. When Relay changed about 6 years back, we started looking for ways to help our community and school. Our membership typically consists of 40-50, 4th through 6th graders.
We have done homeless care packages, painted the wall ball wall, repainted the US map, have helped add plantings to the garden, and served as docents in our school's 50th Anniversary celebration.
Each experience has provided an opportunity of service to our community and taught our members what it means to CARE as Gators; through compassion, accountability, respect, and engagement.
Running Club Facilitators: Mr. Wright, Ms. Adkinson, Mr. McGee, Ms. Sandoval, & Ms. Fiore
Running Club is a student led, teacher facilitated, athletic club at Greenfield Elementary School. Our mission is to provide healthy opportunities for our youth..
Running Club has run for nearly a decade now, and was originally a club run by teachers here at the swamp. It has now become a district-led activity. Our membership typically consists of 80-100 members, 1st through 6th graders.
We train students to run one mile using different running and training techniques. We have competed in district running meets each year and we won first place in the District meet in 2019.
Greenfield Bells Choirs Facilitator: Ms. Kelley
Bells of the Bayou Handbell Choir
This group is for new or emerging handbell ringers in 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade at Greenfield Elementary School. Students in this group learn proper handbell and handchime techniques and work towards learning songs to perform in their concert at the end of each quarter. This group performs on both handbells and handchimes.
Bells of the Swamp Handbell Choir
This group is for intermediate or advanced handbell ringers in 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade at Greenfield Elementary School. Traditionally, this group is composed of returning handbell students who have prior instrumental experience or at least one year participating in the Greenfield Elementary Handbell Choir. Students in this group expand on their ringing skills, learn advanced techniques, and work towards learning songs to perform in their concert at the end of each quarter. They will also perform in the Daytime Music Assemblies and are the first choice for extracurricular performance opportunities. This group performs on almost 4 octaves of handbells and uses handchimes when supplemented in the music.
Greenfield Choir Facilitators: Ms. Kelley & Ms. Modrell
This extracurricular music group is open to all 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Students work on a variety of different singing techniques and work towards presenting a concert at the end of each quarter. Sign Ups will be posted in the Gator Bite towards the beginning of the school year. There is a small fee to pay for music, supplies, and t-shirts. Rehearsals are typically held during the 2nd and 3rd Quarters.
Battle of the Books Facilitator: Mrs. Meaux
The Battle of the Books Program is a VOLUNTARY reading competition designed to promote the love and appreciation of reading to elementary school fifth and sixth-grade students. Battle titles are selected based on recommendations from school and public librarians; we are proud of our recommended titles for this program and believe they all have value. The aim of this program is to encourage students to read a variety of books and remember information about the plots, characters, and settings of the books.